Московский областной общественный фонд
историко-краеведческих исследований
и гуманитарных инициатив

Европейский археологический портал Archaeology in Europe разместил сообщение о результатах археологических исследованиях древнерусской Дубны, осуществленных Фондом «Наследие» в 2009 году.

Archeologists Discover Ancient Fortress near Moscow

Archeologists have found defensive installations of an Old Russian fortress that stood at the confluence of Dubna River and Volga more than 800 years back.

In the course of archeological excavations they cleared a plot of a defensive moat, which had been constructed in the early 12th century and soon destroyed by a massive fire.

Experts assume that the initial version of the fortress on the border with Novgorod land was erected by Yuri Dolgoruki – the Prince of Rostov and Suzdal – around 1134.

Cultural strata of the ancient town are up to two and a half meters thick. During archeological diggings of 2009 over a thousand Old Russian artifacts have been procured.
